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A Conceptual Model of Climate Change and Human Mobility Interactions

A Conceptual Model of Climate Change and Human Mobility Interactions


This paper, written by HABITABLE in May 2022, presents a conceptual model of climate change and human mobility interactions. The model outlines possible pathways connecting climate hazards and climate adaptation with different modes of human mobility. Moreover, it discusses a number of social, political, economic, legal etc. variables that intervene in these pathways and affect adaptation options and mobility decisions in the wake of sudden and slow-onset climatic hazards. The model is meant to guide a scenario planning exercise with stakeholders and decision makers as part of the HABITABLE project. It builds on a review of relevant literature and qualitative assumptions based on expert elicitation collected during interviews and two workshops. Its purpose is to determine central variables and dimensions along which scenarios on climate change and human mobility will be developed in the next stage of the HABITABLE project.

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