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Report – Advisory Committee Workshop 2023

Report – Advisory Committee Workshop 2023

The 2023 Meeting of the PDD Advisory Committee served to seek input and recommendations from the Advisory Committee on the strategic orientation and priorities of the PDD for the development of the next Strategy.

Discussions were grouped around thematic and regional priorities of the PDD’s work as well as cross-cutting issues such as data, knowledge and communications. Advisory Committee members formulated strategic advice on the PDD’s future engagement in the areas of human mobility, climate change action, disaster risk reduction and on communications including engagement with artists.

Participants recommended for the PDD to continue and deepen its thematic work including on a Human Rights perspective and normative development but also venture into new areas where the PDD can add value, such as internal displacement, financing, planned relocation and loss and damage.

Advisory Committee members gave recommendations for the implementation of relevant frameworks in thematic working groups as well as on the PDD’s role as a convening actor that brings together a variety of stakeholders from different policy areas to advance the protection of persons displaced in the context of disasters and the adverse effects of climate change and strengthen policy coherence across silos.

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