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Fleeing Floods, Earthquakes, Droughts and Rising Sea Levels: 12 Lessons Learned About Protecting People Displaced by Disasters and the Effects of Climate Change

12 LESSONS LEARNED Every year, millions of people are forcibly displaced by floods,tropical storms, earthquakes, droughts, glacial melting, and othernatural hazards. Many find refuge within their own country butsome have to move abroad. In the context of climate change, suchdisplacement is likely to increase. National and internationalresponses to this challenge are insufficient, and protection foraffected people remains inadequate.Launched in October 2012 by the Governments of Norway andSwitzerland, the Nansen Initiative is a state-led, bottom-upconsultative process intended to build consensus on the developmentof an Agenda for the Protection of Cross-Border DisplacedPersons in the Context of Disasters and Climate Change.To feed the process with good practices and build a knowledgebase, the Nansen Initiative has held inter-governmental RegionalConsultations and civil society meetings in the Pacific, theAmericas, Africa, Asia, and Europe to explore the protection andassistance needs of people displaced across borders in thecontext of disasters and the effects of climate change.This booklet presents the main lessons learned and conclusions reachedover the course of this three-year consultative process.

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