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COAL Prize 2019 Finalists Announced

This year, the Platform on Disaster Displacement has collaborated with the COAL Prize to amplify the voices of artists from all over the world on the theme ‘Climate, Disasters and Displacement’, inviting artists to tackle the critical issue of displacement related to disasters and climate change. COAL has announced the ten artists who have been shortlisted for the 2019 prize. The 2019 COAL Prize award ceremony honoring the winner will take place in the heart of the Climate Change Conference (COP25), to be held in Chile this December.

The shortlisted finalists are:

Firoz Mahmud – Bangladesh
Soaked Dream Project
FLATFORM (Roberto Taroni and Annamaria Martena) – Italy
That which is to come is just a promise
honey & bunny (Dr. Sonja Stummerer and Martin Hablesreiter) – Austria
eat | disaster | art
Jad El Khoury – Lebanon
Curtains of Hope
Justin Brice Guariglia – United States
REDUCE SPEED NOW! x Climate Refugee Crisis
Lena Dobrowolska et Teo Ormond-Skeaping – Poland, United Kingdom
You never know, one day you too may become a refugee
Lucy Hayto – United Kingdom
All Things Will Change
Maria Lucia Cruz Correia – Portugal/Belgium
Voice of Nature Kinstitute
Mélanie Pavy – France
Mélanie Trugeon et Claire Malary – France
Le désert d’Ata

Read more about the prize and the work of the artists here.

Press Releases

COAL Prize Finalists Announcement (EN)

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Finalistes du Prix COAL 2019 (FR)

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