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COP27 Side Event – Addressing Loss & Damage and Disaster Displacement in Vulnerable Countries

Addressing Loss and Damage and Disaster Displacement in Vulnerable Countries
COP27 Side Event
12 November 2022, 11:30am-12:30pm Sharm El-Sheikh time
Climate Mobility Pavilion, Blue Zone

Loss and Damage are an increasingly important component of the negotiations under the UNFCCC. In particular, Member States are at a pivotal moment for the definition of their commitments around the Santiago Network, in an effort to coordinate and strengthen efforts to avert, minimize and address L&D in vulnerable developing countries. Discussions for the Glasgow Dialogue, established at COP26 to define relevant funding arrangements are also ongoing.

While the policy landscape continues to evolve, however, vulnerable countries and communities are already being affected by the adverse impacts of climate change. Everywhere around the world, L&D due to climate change translate in human mobility impacts, and in particular with the displacement of millions of people from their homes. Urgent action is already needed to allow people to cope with current climate impacts, and to prevent future ones – and human mobility considerations need to be a core part of these concerns and related operational efforts.

The common challenges of displacement in the context of the impacts of climate change manifest in very diverse manners for different countries and communities. Hazards and risks, potential impacts, and related mobility outcomes are different across contexts, requiring diverse approaches to translate into practice the policy objectives of “averting, minimizing and addressing” L&D – especially as they relate to displacement and other population movements.

This event, organized by PDD and IFRC, will allow to present (and discuss) different approaches, partnerships, and responses that are being prioritized in different countries, and by different institutions, in order to address the challenges of human mobility in the context of climate change. Identifying and supporting effective work on loss and damage is a key element of ongoing global, regional and national discussions. The event will provide an opportunity for different vulnerable countries to exchange experiences on: 1) how to identify and assess potential displacement in the context of climate change, related impacts and risks: 2) how to prepare for relevant population movements and effectively assist and protect people on the move, and 3) how to promote integrated policy and operational approaches on the issue, which cut across all relevant sectors and domains.

This event will convene representatives from Governments and other stakeholders from countries facing displacement and other mobility implications of climate change, and prioritizing work on human mobility as part of their climate action.

Download the Event Flyer


Read the Platform on Disaster Displacement Key Messages for COP27

Read the 15 Observations on Disaster Displacement as Loss and Damage

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