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Disaster Displacement at COP26

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Will you be attending COP26 in Glasgow during the first two weeks of November 2021? Are you looking to learn more about how displacement relating to disasters and the adverse effects of climate change is being addressed? Are you looking for inspiration regarding which key messages to include in your delegation’s interventions?


In the right margin, you can find the Platform on Disaster Displacement (PDD) Key Messages for COP26. It includes messages that States and other stakeholders can use to inform their interventions at the upcoming events and in the negotiations.

You can also find the flyer for an event the PDD is co-organizing with the International Youth Federation, the German Council of Foreign Relations, Youth4Nature and the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research, titled “From Science to Policy and Action: Human Mobility in Times of Climate Change”.


We have collated a non-exhaustive list of events on disaster displacement-related topics that are scheduled to take place during COP26. The list will be updated periodically, as further information becomes available. If you have any events to add to this list or relevant information about the ones already there, please email

Additional information on the conference and its events can be found:

…and many more besides!


For those of you who wish to learn more about the issue of displacement as loss and damage, which PDD seeks to avert, minimize and address, including through the Task Force on Displacement of the Warsaw International Mechanism for Loss and Damage, we recommend the following resources:

Read the Platform on Disaster Displacement Key Messages for COP26

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Download the Flyer for Our Side Event at the EU Pavilion

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Date & timeTitle / ThemeOrganizer(s)Location
Running throughout COP"On the Climate Frontlines with Displaced People & Migrants: Averting, Minimizing & Addressing Loss & Damage"

Virtual One UN Exhibition Space. The exhibit will bring together the latest knowledge, materials and perspectives from UN agencies, NGOs partners and community led organizations working to advance progress on the topic of human mobility, adaptation and loss and damage.

(International Organization for Migration; United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees; International Labour Organization; United Nations Children's Fund; World Food Programme; United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs; Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights; United Nations Environment Programme)
2 November
16:15 GMT /
17:15 CET

More information
"Forging a Climate Vulnerable Forum (CVF) COP26 Climate Emergency Pact"

The first global High-Level Meeting of the CVF aims to articulate the global priorities of nations most threatened by the climate emergency, to galvanize the programs and partnerships of the CVF with the COP26 Presidency and key leaders, and to leverage and promote utmost ambition in climate action and the outcomes of the COP26 in favour of the CVF. The meeting will consider the entire work of the Forum and deliver a “Dhaka-Glasgow Declaration of the CVF”, articulating the interests, efforts and expectations of the members from COP26 and beyond.
Climate Vulnerable Forum (CVF)Meeting Room 4
4 November
13:15 GMT /
14:15 CET

More information
"Moving forward: presenting the work of the WIM ExCom and its five expert groups"

The Warsaw International Mechanism for Loss and Damage (WIM) is the main vehicle under the UNFCCC to promote the implementation of approaches to avert, minimize and address loss and damage associated with climate change impacts, including extreme events and slow onset events.

This event will showcase the progress in the implementation of the workplan of the ExCom and its expert groups and discuss opportunities for the broad range of stakeholders to contribute to the upcoming thematic activities to assist actions in averting, minimizing and addressing loss and damage.
Secretariat of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)Side event room - Strangford Lough
4 November
15:00 GMT /
16:00 CET
"Loss and Damage of Internal Displacement of Bangladesh"

Internal displacement and migration in the context of climate change.
Government of Bangladesh, supported by IOM, IFRC

(International Organization for Migration; International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies)
Bangladesh pavilion
6 November
13:15 GMT /
14:15 CET

Event flyer
"Effective practices & perspectives of actors across sectors in regions vulnerable to climate change"

Taking stock of progress made to address climate change-related displacement in recent years: Effective practices and perspectives of actors across sectors in vulnerable regions; Opportunities and challenges ahead Progress including under the UNFCCC WIM Task Force on Displacement.

(Norwegian Refugee Council; An Organization for Socio-Economic Development; Arab Network for Environment and Development; Coastal Association for Social Transformation Trust)
Multimedia Studio 1 (virtual event)
8 November
Full day

Delivering the practical solutions needed to adapt to climate impacts and address loss and damage.
Secretariat of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)COP26 venue/ negotiations
8 November
11:30 GMT /
12:30 CET
"Intersectionality at the Nexus of Climate, Human Mobility, Loss and Damage: Regional Perspectives"

This event takes stock of recent scientific and policy progress made, the various perspectives of how these intersectional issues are playing out on the ground, and the required policy responses which are grounded in equity, justice and human rights.
Unitarian Universalist Association; Islamic Relief Worldwide; Université de LiègeForth Room
8 November
17:30 GMT /
18:30 CET
"Addressing Migration Driven by Disasters, Climate Change and Environmental Degradation in West Africa – An Opportunity for GCM and Paris Agreement Implementation, Regional Integration and Partnerships"

Focusing on action in West Africa.

(International Organization for Migration; United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees)
Tower Base North (Green Zone)
9 November
11:30 GMT+12 /
00:30 CET

Register at the Resilience Hub
"Building a comprehensive regional approach to climate mobility: learnings from the Pacific Climate Change Migration and Human Security (PCCMHS) programme"

This COP26 side event will showcase the work of the Joint-Working Group on climate related mobility, chaired by the Government of Fiji and Tuvalu, that is advancing work with respect to a regional framework to address climate change related migration, displacement and planned relocation. The side event will also present key messages and innovative ideas from the PCCMHS programme.

Sponsored by the Governments of Fiji and Tuvalu

(International Organization for Migration; International Labour Organization; Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights; Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific; Platform on Disaster Displacement; Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat)
Join directly via Zoom

Passcode: 4FLceV09
9 November
15:00 GMT /
16:00 CET
"Action and support to avert, minimize and address displacement related to the adverse effects of climate change in developing countries that are particularly vulnerable to the adverse effects of climate change"

Launch of the joint NORAD-PDD project.

(Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation; Platform on Disaster Displacement)
Nordic Pavilion (physical event)
10 November
10:00 GMT /
11:00 CET

More information and livestreaming link
"Migration and Displacement in the era of the Climate Emergency: Political and Operational Challenges and Strategies at Global Level and in West Africa and the Sahel"

This event aims to better understand the dynamics of climate change-related migration and displacement, as well as UNHCR and IOM's work at the global and regional level in West Africa and the Sahel in particular, to better prevent and respond to the risks that may arise, so as to sustainably protect displaced people in the context of climate change and disasters in the region.

(International Organization for Migration; United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees; the African Risk Capacity; Government of France; Platform on Disaster Displacement; United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction)
French Pavilion
10 November
13:15 GMT /
14:15 CET
"Climate Induced Migration in South Asia - impact of loss and damage"

Climate Induced Migration has been a phenomenon that is affecting millions in South Asian countries with respect to loss of livelihoods and thus resulting into distress migration. The event show case research outcomes that co-relates Climate Change with Loss and Damage and thus displacement.
Center for Participatory Research and Development; Shariatpur Development Society; Sustainable Development Policy Institute; Young Power in Social ActionLomond Auditorium
11 November
13:00 GMT /
14:00 CET

More information and event flyer

Register for the EU online event platform
"From Science to Policy and Action: Human Mobility in Times of Climate Change"

Presenting the latest research on human mobility and climate change, and how integrated policy frameworks are being developed - based on the best available science - to address the challenges and opportunities, especially for the most vulnerable and marginalized. Presentations will be followed by a discussion/Q&A to highlight what this means in practice, with perspectives from international actors, the global youth movement, affected communities, academia and government.

(Platform on Disaster Displacement; German Council on Foreign Relations; International Youth Federation; Youth4Nature; Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research)
EU Pavilion (hybrid event)
11 November
13:00 GMT /
14:00 CET

Register for the EU online event platform
"Climate impacts as drivers of displacement: science, human rights and policy response"EU-JRC, DG INTPA; UNHCR; OHCHR; PIK

(European Commission (JRC; DG INTPA); United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees; United Nations Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights; Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research)
EU Pavilion (virtual event)
11 November
16:45 GMT /
17:45 CET
"How vulnerable countries are responding to loss and damage and what support they need"

A presentation of case studies on national preparedness for loss and damage. What are the challenges and opportunities for developing countries, local governments and communities as loss and damage impacts accelerate? The session will highlight the mechanisms required to strengthen global solidarity.
Practical Action; OXFAM International; Prakriti Resources CentreLomond Auditorium

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