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Disaster Displacement at the Regional Platforms for Disaster Risk Reduction 2021

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Will you be attending one of the Regional Platforms for Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) scheduled for November 2021? Are you looking to learn more about how displacement relating to disasters and the adverse effects of climate change is being addressed in your region? Are you looking for inspiration regarding which key messages to include in your delegation’s interventions?

In the right margin, you can find the PDD Policy Brief and Key Messages on Disaster Displacement and DRR. It includes background information, resources for further reading and, importantly, key messages and commitments that States and other stakeholders can use to inform their interventions at the upcoming events.

Below you can find a non-exhaustive list of events on disaster displacement-related topics that are scheduled to take place during the:

Don’t forget to click the links above and navigate to the registration page for each Platform you wish to attend!

The Regional Platforms are organized by the United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNDRR) and take stock of the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030. The discussions and outcomes of the Regional Platforms inform the Seventh Session of the Global Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction, which is scheduled to take place in May 2022, in Bali, Indonesia.

In addition to Platforms listed above, the Asia Pacific Partnership Forum on DRR is scheduled for 8-9 December 2021, followed by the Asia-Pacific Ministerial Conference on DRR which will be held in person in Brisbane in the second half of 2022.

The below list will be updated periodically, as further information becomes available. If you have any events to add to this list or relevant information about the ones already there, please email

Read the PDD’s Policy Brief and Key Messages

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Regional PlatformDetailsDisaster displacement sessionPartnersExpected outcomes
Seventh Regional Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction in the Americas and the Caribbean

"Building Resilient Economies in the Americas and
the Caribbean"
01 - 04 November 2021


Host: Government of Jamaica
In cooperation with UNDRR and the Caribbean Disaster Emergency Management Agency
Parallel session "Integrating disaster displacement into DRR strategies, policies, plans and legal frameworks"

2 November 2021
17:00 - 18:00 CET /
11:00 - 12:00 EST

Event flyer and concept note
Platform on Disaster Displacement, and
The International Organization for Migration

International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, and
United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction
1. Chairman’s summary;
2. Declaration from the high-level segment / Ministerial Meeting;
3. Presentation of the progress made and recommendations to advance the implementation of the Regional Action Plan for the implementation of the Sendai Framework in the Americas and the Caribbean;
4. Proceedings.
Fifth Arab Regional Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction

"From Risk to Resilience: Accelerating Local
Action for DRR"
08 - 11 November 2021


Host: Government of Morocco
In cooperation with UNDRR and the League of Arab States
Special session "Climate Risks and Displacement in the Arab Region: Challenges and Opportunities"

8 November 2021
15:30 - 17:00 CET /
14:30 – 16:00 Rabat
Arab Network for Environment and Development,
Norwegian Refugee Council, and
Platform on Disaster Displacement

Government of Morocco, and
League of Arab States
1. Political declaration;
2. Renewed Stakeholders’ voluntary action statements on implementation of the Sendai framework and Arab Strategy for DRR 2030;
3. Revised and prioritized Plan of Action (2021-2024) for the Arab Strategy for DRR 2030 to accelerate the implementation of the Sendai framework in the Arab Region.
Eighth Africa Regional Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction

"Towards disaster risk-informed development
for a resilient Africa in a COVID-19 transformed world"
16 - 19 November 2021

Virtual: all events 16-18 November
Hybrid: High-level session 19 November

Host: Government of Kenya
In cooperation with UNDRR, the African Union Commission and the Intergovernmental Authority on Development
Side event "Moving from Words to Action on Disaster Displacement in Southern Africa"

16 November 2021
08:00 - 09:00 CET /
10:00 - 11:00 EAT

Event flyer

Concept Note

Norwegian Refugee Council,
Government of South Africa (NDMC),
Government of Mozambique (INGD),
Platform on Disaster Displacement and
OXFAM South Africa

With support from the Government of Germany
1. Ministerial Declaration;
2. Implementation matrix of the Programme of Action for the
implementation of the Sendai Framework in Africa (POA) for the period 2021-2025;
3. Stakeholder voluntary commitments on the implementation of the POA.

And don't forget to take a look at our virtual booth, in partnership with NRC and UNDRR (registration required)
Parallel working session "Addressing disaster displacement"

17 November 2021
14:00 - 15:00 CET /
16:00 - 17:00 EAT

Concept Note
United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction, and
Intergovernmental Authority on Development

Internal Displacement Monitoring Centre,
Norwegian Refugee Council,
Platform on Disaster Displacement, and
International Institute for Environment and Development
European Forum on Disaster Risk Reduction

"Working Together to Reduce Disaster Risks"
24 - 26 November 2021

Virtual / hybrid

Host: Government of Portugal
With support from UNDRR, the European Commission and the Council of Europe (as secretariat of the EFDRR)
Side event "Putting Words into Action - Addressing disaster displacement in DRR strategies and practice"

25 November 2021
14:15 - 15:15 CET /
13:15 - 14:15 WET (Lisbon)

Event flyer and concept note
Norwegian Refugee Council, and
Global Network of Civil Society Organisations for Disaster Reduction

Internal Displacement Monitoring Centre,
International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies,
The International Organization for Migration,
Resilience Development Initiative, and
The Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees

The European Union; France; Germany; Norway; Switzerland
1. EFDRR Roadmap 2021-2030;
2. Ministerial prevention pledge;
3. Chair's summary.
Asia Pacific Ministerial Conference on DRR

Note: Ministerial event scheduled for the second half of 2022
8 - 9 December 2021


Host: Government of Australia
TBCTBCLaunch of the Asia Pacific Action Plan 2021-2024

Header photo © UNDRR

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