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Migration and Development Debate Series: Disaster and Climate-induced Displacement & Mobility – Challenge of the 21 century

The upcoming seminar “Disaster and Climate-induced Displacement & Mobility – Challenge of the 21 century” will be hosted by the Federal Foreign Office, Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development, and IOM´s Global Migration Data Analysis Centre (GMDAC) 

Where: Auswärtiges Amt (Federal Foreign Office), Werderscher Markt 1, 10117 Berlin  – Visitor Centre (Besucherzentrum) Room 2
When: Thursday, August 31 , 2017 l 12:30 – 14:00

Welcome remarks:

  • Annett Günther, Deputy Director-General for Humanitarian Assistance, Federal Foreign Office
  • Annette Chammas, Head of Division 320, Policy Issues of Displacement and Migration, Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development


  • Atle Solberg, Head of Coordination Unit, Platform on Disaster Displacement
  • Susanne Melde, Senior Analyst, Global Migration Data Analysis Centre (GMDAC), International Organization for Migration (IOM).
  • Felicitas Hillmann, Head of Department of the Leibniz Institute for Research on Society and Space will serve as the discussant.
  • The event will be facilitated by Claudia Meier, Project manager for the Global Public Policy Institute (GPPi).


Large-scale displacements have devastating effects on people communities.  They create complex     humanitarian development challenges that call for urgent partnerships and enhanced cooperation. People that are forced to cross a border in the context of a disaster and the effects of climate change have only limited protection when they arrive in another country.

The  Nansen  Initiative  consultative  process  identified  effective practices  to  address  the  protection  needs  of  disaster  displaced  persons.  In 2016 the Platform on Disaster Displacement was launched to follow up on the Nansen Initiative and to support the implementation of its recommendations.   Concerted efforts at all levels are needed in order to find ways to better protect and assist disaster displaced persons.  At  the  same time  migration  can  be  a  way  to  adapt  to  environmental  climate change and needs to be recognized as such in policies.

The debate will address the following questions:

  • How can knowledge and data gaps on why, where, when, and how people  are  displaced/decide  to  migrate  in  the  context  of disasters and climate change be addressed?
  • How can  cooperation  to  prevent,  to  reduce  and  to  address disaster displacement at the    national,  regional and (GMDAC),   International Organization international levels be strengthened?
  • How can  the  use  of  effective  practices  to  reduce  disaster displacement risks  and  to carry  out  humanitarian  protection measures be enhanced?
  • How can policy   coherence   and   mainstreaming of human mobility challenges and benefits in and across relevant policy and action areas be promoted?
  • How can  safe  and  orderly  human  mobility  be  an  adaptation strategy to climate change in order to prevent displacement?
  • How can policy and normative development in legal gap areas be promoted?

Learn more about the German Federal Foreign Office

Learn more about the Global Migration Data Analysis Centre

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