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Nansen Initiative Reports Back – Human Mobility and Disasters in Africa

Geneva, Switzerland, 2 October 2014 – Nansen Initiative Reports Back – Human Mobility and Disasters in Africa Side Event at UNHCR’s 65th Executive Committee Meeting Speakers  Deputy Head of Human Security Division, Federal Department of Foreign Affairs, Government of Switzerland, Ms. Sabrina Dallafior Commissioner for Refugee Affairs, Government of the Republic of Kenya, Mr. Haroun Komen Deputy Permanent Representative, Permanent Mission of Morocco to the United Nations,Mr. Hassane Boukili Lecturer, Sciences Po and Associate Professor at the University of Versailles, Dr. François Gemenne Envoy of the Chairmanship of the Nansen Initiative, Professor Walter Kaelin Refugee Policy Director, Section for Humanitarian Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Government of Norway, Mr. Johan Meyer Objectives At the 63rd Session of the UNHCR Executive Committee Norway and Switzerland launched the Nansen Initiative. Together with other  concerned states, they intend to develop an international protection agenda to address the needs of people displaced across borders in  the context of natural hazards, including those linked to the adverse effects of climate change. The objective of the side event was to report back on the outcomes of Nansen Initiative’s Governmental and Civil Society Consultations in  the Horn of Africa as well as its Consultation on West Africa in 2014. Furthermore, the work of the Group of Friends of the Nansen Initiative, as well as an update on 2014 milestones and the work ahead was presented.

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