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Side event: The role of international cooperation and partnerships in implementing the GCM – Mechanisms and best practices from the IGAD region


“The Role of International Cooperation and Partnerships in Implementing the GCM – Mechanisms and Best Practices from the IGAD Region”

08.00-10.00 Hrs Sunday 9th December 2018 at Palmeraie Golf Palace in Morocco, Marrakesh


Organizer(s): Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD) in collaboration with its Member States and partners: Kenya, Uganda IOM, PDD, the Swiss Government and Government of Germany.

1. Background & suggested themes:
IGAD has supported Member States in providing inputs to the GCM through both national and regional coordination mechanisms. These coordination/dialogue platforms are part of the migration governance architecture established through the IGAD Regional Migration Policy Framework and operationalized through the accompanying IGAD Migration Action Plan. The dialogue/coordination mechanisms can play an important role in supporting the operationalization and implementation of the GCM by strengthening international cooperation and global partnerships for safe, orderly and regular migration as outlined in objective 23 of the final draft for the GCM.

2. Content and expected outcomes:
In order to increase international cooperation to accelerate the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, specifically SDG 10.7 on safe orderly and regular migration, a comprehensive approach is needed to optimize the overall benefits of migration, while addressing risks and challenges for individuals and communities in countries of origin, transit and destination. Regional organizations can play an instrumental role by fostering appropriate cooperation frameworks, innovative partnerships and inclusive debate in addressing the consistent impacts of poverty, unemployment, climate change and disasters, among others. Regional organizations can also promote ownership and reinforce shared responsibility by supporting the involvement of all the relevant stakeholders.
The side event will bring together national, regional and global state and non-state actors addressing structural factors like poverty, unemployment and climate change and disasters to show case good practices, policy implications, existing and desired partnerships to support the implementation of the GCM.

Guiding questions
– What type of partnerships are needed for inter-state coordination mechanisms to contribute to the GCM implementation?
– What are some of the good practices in terms of evidence-based, whole of government approach in migration governance?
– Do “lessons learned” already exist that can be used to identify challenges in inter-state cooperation?
– How relevant is international cooperation and partnerships in addressing structural factors like employment, climate change and natural disasters?
– Which practical approaches (e.g. multi- level approach, policy, legislation, project, institution, fund, etc.) could strengthen international cooperation?
– What capacities need to be strengthened to improve international cooperation and global partnerships?

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Watch the livestream: Sunday 9 Dec 8:00-10:00


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Download the list of disaster displacement related topics at the Intergovernmental Conference on the Global Compact for Migration

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Download the summary of decisions from the 8th meeting of the Warsaw International Mechanism for Loss and Damage Executive Committee Meeting. The recommendations from the Task Force on Displacement, adopted by the Executive Committee, can be found under item 5.

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