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Report – Advisory Committee Workshop 2019

Report – Advisory Committee Workshop 2019

The 2019 Meeting of the PDD Advisory Committee served to seek input and recommendations from the Advisory Committee on the strategic orientation and priorities of the PDD for the development of the next Strategy (2019-2022).

Discussions were grouped around thematic and regional priorities of the PDD’s work aswell as cross-cutting issues such as data and knowledge and communications. Advisory Committee members gave recommendations regarding PDD’s role in the implementation of relevant global policy processes, including the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration (GCM) and the Global Compact on Refugees (GCR), the UNFCCC WIM TFD,and the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) 2015-2030.

Participants agreed that support to the implementation of these global policy frameworks at the regional and national levels should be a priority for PDD’s work programme 2019-2022. At the same time, cross-cutting issues like Human Rights, community engagement, data and knowledge and communications would need to be integrated in all of PDD’s work.

Advisory Committee members proposed concrete and detailed recommendations for the implementation of these frameworks in thematic working groups and convened in regional working groups to give recommendations on PDD’s potential role and engagement in different geographic areas.

In a dedicated session, United Nations(UN) agencies gave updates on progress and strategic directions regarding their work on and institutionalization of disaster displacement. Advisory Committee members,in a Marketplace session, presented research and shared information on new and upcoming initiatives, identifying opportunities for enhanced collaboration, coordination and engagement at global, regional and national levels. Plenary sessions allowed for interaction and exchange, including with PDD Steering Group members.

The PDD Advisory Committee welcomed the Strategic Directions agreed upon by the PDD Steering Group and provided strategic feedback and comments on PDD’s thematic and regional priorities, PDD’s engagement in Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) protection work, institutional and governance aspects,and regarding the collaboration with IOM and UNHCR and outreach to States and other partners.

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