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Africa Migration Report: Challenging the Narrative

Africa Migration Report: Challenging the Narrative


The Africa Migration Report takes a distinctly regional approach to inform knowledge on migration in Africa. This first edition, titled Challenging the Narrative, aims to deconstruct negative perceptions of migration in Africa by addressing contextual realities and bringing to light practical interventions and evidence-based knowledge on what is happening on the ground.

This report tells the story of African migration from the perspective of Africa, and demonstrates the continent’s ardent desire to take control of managing this phenomenon in a manner that maximizes its benefits for the citizens of the continent, while also addressing the negative impacts that continued, uncontrolled migration imply for African countries and migrants. This first edition therefore seeks to provide additional perspectives that ensure a more complete understanding of this complex phenomenon, thereby correcting misconceptions regarding African migration. The report provides a status update on the breadth of issues that characterize migration on the continent from which both practitioners and policymakers can draw to inform their actions.

The report also focuses on different themes in migration in the continent, including the environmental degradation and human mobility nexus in Africa.

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