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Disaster Displacement 2020

Disaster Displacement 2020

The impact of climate change and disasters on human mobility is one of the most pressing humanitarian and development challenges of the 21st century. The socio-economic impacts of disaster displacement can be devastating. When people have to leave their homes, they become increasingly vulnerable on many levels and are often exposed to higher levels of risk. In some situations, they may face secondary or protracted
displacement, unable to return home for months or years.

UNDRR is committed to working with States and other actors to ensure that the scope, nature and magnitude of disaster displacement is fully understood and that national and local Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) policies and plans are developed which reduce current risk and prevent new risks associated with disaster displacement from arising.

This brief provides an overview of the context and challenges associated with disaster displacement, UNDRR’s engagement with disaster displacement, the relevance of the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030 in this context, and key messages and facts related to disaster displacement.

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