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Displacement in a Changing Climate: Localized humanitarian action at the forefront of the climate crisis

Displacement in a Changing Climate: Localized humanitarian action at the forefront of the climate crisis

Millions of people around the world are displaced and moving in the context of disasters and the adverse effects of climate change. This is only set to worsen as climate change increases the intensity and frequency of sudden- and slow-onset hazards. 

This report presents a collection of case studies of how Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies worldwide are protecting and assisting communities in the context of climate-related displacement. And it calls for more ambitious climate action and investment in local communities and local organizations to address this urgent humanitarian challenge.

The report contains case studies of 11 National Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies in Australia, Fiji, Germany, Honduras, Iraq, Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia, Samoa, Tuvalu and Yemen. It highlights their role in preventing, adapting to and responding to the adverse impacts of climate-related displacement, and provides recommendations for governments and donors to address climate-related displacement.

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