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Forced Migration Review Special Feature on GP20: lessons and good practice on internal displacement

Forced Migration Review Special Feature on GP20: lessons and good practice on internal displacement


Forced Migration Review Issue 65 includes a special feature on ‘GP20: lessons and good practice on internal displacement’. This feature offers offers reflections on lessons and good practice emerging from the 2018–20 GP20 Plan of Action for Advancing Prevention, Protection and Solutions for IDPs. This complements previous issues of FMR on the Guiding Principles of Internal Displacement marking their launch in 1998 and their 10th and 20th anniversaries. The eight articles, plus case-studies, have been published as part of Forced Migration Review issue 65 which is available in English, Arabic, Spanish and French at

The feature includes lessons on preventing and preparing for disaster displacement, focusing on examples of good practice relating to preventing, mitigating and preparing for disaster displacement, discussed as part of the GP20 initiative, which have revealed valuable lessons on early action, data, laws and policies, and community engagement.

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