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Report of the Secretary-General – Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration

Report of the Secretary-General – Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration

UN General Assembly

The Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration was adopted in Marrakech, Morocco, and subsequently endorsed by the General Assembly in its resolution 73/195 of December 2018. The Global Compact sets out a cooperative framework for achieving safe, orderly and regular migration, including 10 overarching guiding principles and 23 objectives with attendant actions and a process for its implementation, follow-up and review, as well as guidance for support from the United Nations system.

Over the past several decades, migration has become increasingly complex, due in part to political, environmental and socioeconomic changes in countries of both origin and destination. In this context, the Global Compact is based on the recognition that no single State can effectively govern migration without principled and effective international cooperation. The Global Compact creates a comprehensive 360 -degree approach, and a common language, for discussing migration and provides tools for implementing well-governed migration policies.

The Secretary-General, drawing on the United Nations Network on Migration, reports on the implementation of the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration, the activities of the United Nations system in this regard and the functioning of the institutional arrangements.

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